Mindfulness (sona)

^z 21st November 2024 at 7:50am

know, awaken, understand

"Here and now, everywhere and always, gives us a lot of room for working together, that is, if you are interested and willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work of the timeless, the work of non-doing, the work of awareness embodied in your own life as it is always unfolding moment by moment. It is indeed the work of no time at all, and the work of a lifetime."
Work of a Lifetime — Jon Kabat-Zinn, in "Meditation is Not For the Faint-Hearted" of Coming to Our Senses
"... Mindfulness is cultivated by a gentle effort, by effortless effort. You cultivate mindfulness by constantly reminding yourself in a gentle way to maintain your awareness of whatever is happening right now. Persistence and a light touch are the secrets. Mindfulness is cultivated by constantly pulling oneself back to a state of awareness, gently, gently, gently. ..."
Gently, Gently, Gently — Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
... it's about paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally. And that's called mindfulness, paying attention on purpose in the present moment non-judgmentally. Ultimately, it stops being on purpose. ...
Ceaseless Society — Jon Kabat-Zinn 2006 lecture "The Ceaseless Society: Is 24/7 Good for Us?"
.. In a well-known story, the Buddha encountered curious passersby who, impressed by his startling presence, asked him if he was a king or a god. When he said no, they challenged him by saying, "Then what are you?" He quietly responded, "I am awake."
Beginner's Guide to Insight Meditation — Arianna Weisman & Jean Smith (2001) The Beginner's Guide to Insight Meditation, Chapter 8
... The Buddha used to say that the teachings of mindfulness are a raft that takes us over the waters from the shore of delusion to the shore of awakening. It would be silly, he reminds us, to worship the raft or to carry it around on dry land.
Remember: Go Slowly, Breathe, and Smile!
Beginning Mindfulness — Andrew Weiss, Beginning Mindfulness, Introduction


sona en lukin

sona en nasin

sona en ale

sona en ala

sona en lon

sona en pana

sina pana e sona la,
        sona kama tawa sina

sona li pana la, sona li jo

When you give wisdom, wisdom comes to you

knowledge given, knowledge gained

sona en jo

sona en sijelo

sona en kon

sona en ken

sona en tan

sona en wan

sona en kulupu

sona en pona

sona en olin

sona en awen

sona en pali